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The Rules:1) You are free to use the sprites in any way you like and you do not have to give credit to The Golden Hylian (however, adding a credit takes a few seconds and it would be appreciated). 2) If the sprites are labelled with an area saying 'Please give credit to me' (as is the case of some of the Link sprites), credit MUST be given to said person but not neccessarily to The Golden Hylian. 3) Sprites from The Golden Hylian may not be posted on other sites. 4) Ripping the tag from a sprite (such as the LOZ Chao sprites) then claiming it as your own is a violation of the spriting code, not to mention, ILLEGAL! 5) Taking any of these sprites then claiming them as your own is also a violation of the spriting code, not to mention, ILLEGAL! 6) It is common courtesy to EMail the spritist telling them where their work has been used. This isn't obligatory, it is just courteous. If you do not agree with these rules, please leave this site immediately. |